
Wednesday 18 July 2007

Abigail Oborne writes poetry, screenplay and prose, and has recently completed a degree in Creative Writing from the University of Roehampton. Her poetry has been published in a variety of forms, including Generation Txt (a collection by six of the best young poets in the country) and an anthology of modern sonnets. In June 2007 she took part in a nationwide tour organised by Penned in the Margins, incorporating thirteen towns in two weeks.
Here are some examples of her work...Portraits of a seaside town no. 3, The Future, Kid/The Future live poetcast, PRCHS. GEN. TXT.

Sam Oborne has recently completed an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Kent. His fiction has appeared in the magazines Pen Pusher, Litro and R.A.W., and online at nthposition and Ink Sweat and Tears. In 2007 he was highly recommended by a Chapter One Promotions short story competiton. He has read at live literature events in London and the South East. He is currently working on a novel.
Here are some examples of his work...The Logistics of Nikolai, A Line of Zs, Unforced Rhythms of Grace, Getting ready to go running and You are you.

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